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NeedSec Limited is proud to announce that one of our leading consultants has achieved the prestigious Cyber Scheme Team Leader (CSTL) certifications in both Infrastructure and Web Applications. This achievement is a significant benchmark in our commitment to cybersecurity excellence, demonstrating an expert level understanding of cyber security and Penetration Testing.

The Rigorous Journey to CSTL Certification

The CSTL certification process, recognized and respected by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), is a rigorous and comprehensive assessment designed to identify the highest standards in cybersecurity proficiency.

CSTL Infrastructure Exam

Our consultant underwent an exhaustive examination process that simulates a real-world penetration test, comprising:

  1. Scoping Phase: Interaction with a simulated client to define the scope of a penetration test.
  2. Practical Penetration Test: A 4.5-hour session to exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks.
  3. Interview Phase: Presentation of findings, including a detailed network diagram.

This certification process tested our consultant’s proficiency in various technical areas, including advanced networking, host exploitation, and firewall evasion.

CSTL Web Application Exam

In parallel, the CSTL Web Application exam focused on:

  1. Scoping: Understanding the scope of web application penetration testing.
  2. Practical Test: A 4-hour practical assessment of identifying and exploiting web application vulnerabilities.
  3. Interview with Site Mapping: Demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the application’s structure and security flaws.

This exam assessed our consultant’s skills in identifying and exploiting critical vulnerabilities in web applications, especially those listed in the OWASP top 10.

Implications for NeedSec and Our Clients

The attainment of the CSTL Infrastructure and Web Applications certifications by our consultant is more than an individual achievement; it elevates the entire standard of service at NeedSec Limited. These certifications assure:

  • Expertise in Advanced Security Practices: Demonstrating a deep understanding of complex cybersecurity issues and advanced penetration testing skills.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Solidifying NeedSec’s position as a leader in cybersecurity services.
  • Assurance of Quality and Compliance: Providing our clients with the confidence that our services meet the highest standards set by industry and governmental bodies.

Commitment to Cybersecurity Excellence

This accomplishment reflects NeedSec’s ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest levels of cybersecurity expertise. Our dedication to continuous learning and development ensures that we remain at the cutting edge of cybersecurity advancements, providing the best possible service to our clients.

For more information about our cybersecurity services and how our certified experts can help safeguard your organisation, please contact us at

NeedSec Limited: Your Security, Our Passion.